With the emergence of "Vai Naam Surti Dhara" a new spiritual revolution has taken place, a new trend of Satt Bhakti was set up, a new era has come, truth of spiritualism has come out, meaning of sanatan in real sense has been understood, last but not the least the secret of Nirankar Bhakti and Sehaj Satt Bhakti Marg came into light. The Sehaj Satt Marg is not about any panth, caste, dharam or religion etc but it belongs to the universal religion even of all the jag jeevas and human beings which shows the path of truth, love and true sanatan which is the ultimate supreme ‘Satta’ of 'Sahib Satpurush Ji’. The ideology of Sehaj Satt Marg helps everyone to remove dust covers from their minds who have fallen in trap of bhagwan “Kaal Niranjan” and lost their original identities and existence as well.
This universe is led by Kaal Niranjan (Nirankar/Mind) who is mind himself. Mind can’t be liberated from soul by concentrating on mind. In order to get 'soul’ to be liberated from Mind (Kaal Niranjan) we require more powerful force i.e. Supreme Lord. This power lies with true Master (Satguru/Sant) who has met with Suprme Lord (Satpurush/Sahib) and has been entrusted with 'Paras Surti’ (Alive Holi Naam) from Satpurush to 'Him’ on his visit to 'Satlok’.